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    Competently and professionally You can learn through video, photos and step-by-step instructions.

    The site has a lot of manuals of the author's technology of Marianna Alexandrova:

    You can find detailed video instructions from the technologist - this method is suitable for those who want to learn how to use system Marianna Art System at home;

    -Created step-by-step text instructions with pictures of how to do a manicure with gel-powder Mart, which is on this page, as well as be added to the order in printed form;

    -And You can sign up for training from a distributor Mart in Your area.

    Nail Extension Marianna Art Dip  Powder Mart on Gel Tape form soft square
    Nail Extension Marianna Art Dip  Powder Mart on Gel Tape form soft square
    Nail Extension Dip Powder Mart to Gel Tape

    Nail Extension Dip Powder Mart to Gel Tape Instruction

    Color Coating Video
    Color Coating Video (use subtitles)
    Marianna Art Dip system Removing
    Marianna Art Dip system Removing  (use subtitles)

    Showing 1 to 5 of 5 (1 Pages)